
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

california girls: we're unforgettable..

unforgettable:[uhn-fer-get-uh-buhl]:impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on the memory; scenes of unforgettable beauty.
This year's Spring Break was definitely unforgettable..
Choir Tour Year One was unforgettable..
I enjoyed every second of it, except when my feet were hurting and I had to hobble around like a granny..
I made some fantastic new friends..

Ashley, Sarah, Tessea, Hannah, Cassie, and me in front of the Disneyland Castle.. a magical moment..

 Ally, Riley, Ryan, Jared, Tessea, Ashley, and me in front of the famous Mikey Mouse flower arrangement.. another magical moment..

 Ryan, Riley, and Jared at Newport Harbor.. boys will be boys..

 Ashley and Ally.. whale watching..

Ashley, Ally, me, Sarah, Hannah, and Tessea at Balboa Beach.. yet another magical moment..

We saw everyone's true personalities..

 Tessea, Hannah, Sarah, Ally, me, and Ashley.. Balboa Beach freak out..

 Cute Ally and Ryan on the tram to Disneyland day one..

 Sarah and Tessea on the tram to Disneyland day one..

We lived in Midieval Times for one night..

 Ryan, Ally, Tessea, Hayden, Riley.. Midieval Times..

Me and Ashley at Midieval Times.. such a blast..

 Yeah.. I attempted to eat that..

More of the show..

We saw hundreds of dolphins while whale watching.. yeah, we didn't actually see any whales..

 Dolphin Watching..

All in all I had a fantastic trip.. 
I love all my new friends that I realized I should have been hanging out with long ago..
I laughed until I couldn't breath, over & over..
I hobbled around like a granny who needed a cane..
I almost bought a cane at a pit stop on the way home..(not really)
I  will always have a special place in my heart for California..

life's a tea party



Sunday, April 10, 2011

day eleven: my first love

I know this is super lame, but I'm pretty much going to skip this day.. I haven't found love yet, so why waste my time writing about something that is yet to come? I could tell you what I hope love will be like? Would you like to hear? Comment if yes. :)

life's a tea party

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

day ten: today's attire

Today was what I like to call a default day..
I didn't wear anything especially special, just normal..
I wore
this shirt (or rather, one very similar to it):

(Stephanie is running for Jr. Council, vote for her if you haven't!)

with a jacket resembling this one, except in gray:

(I wear this almost every day..)

with these jeggings:

(most comfy pants ever..)

with these boots:

(another everyday piece..)

What I would have liked to have worn --

maybe.. this tank:

 with maybe.. this blazer..

and maybe.. these shorts..

and maybe.. these sandals..

please let Summer come already..

life's a tea party


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

day nine: daughter of God

I am a member and believer of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints..
I know with all my heart that it is the only true church..
I believe in eternal life, and I know I can obtain it by getting married and sealed to my spouse in the Temple for time and all eternity..
I am a daughter of God..
I know that He has a plan for me and that I am living his plan..
I believe that I am a puzzle piece who's edges only match my true eternal companion..
I know that I have a brother, Jesus Christ, who died for my sins that I might live with my Heavenly Father again..
I know the only way I can have true happiness, is if I am living worthily to enter into the Temple..
I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that he restored this church to this earth and that he died as a martyr..
I know that I can live with my family forever & ever if I live righteously..

life's a tea party

day eight: a moment

Yesterday I thought it would be cool to start Drivers Ed (considering I have a long way to go and my sixteenth birthday is only 44 days away)..
My mom and I drove down to a not-so-quaint little cardboard-box-looking store called A1 Driving School..
We pulled off to the side and parked the car at 5:47 pm..
We sat in the car until 6:00 pm, wondering where the teacher was?..
We sat in the car (more people filtering toward the locked front door) until 6:30 pm..
So it turns out that the teacher had had some car troubles and that's why he was late... I thought that was ironic..
To top off the night, I found a clipboard that read: I love Chloe Gilmour... She loves me..
 I was deeply amused with this and decided to snap a picture with my camera phone to send to my dear friend Chloe Gilmour..
She solved the mystery.. enough said..

life's a tea party

Sunday, April 3, 2011

day seven: my best friend(s)

I have these two best friends, but I like to call them my sisters..
We do everything together.. 
We drive around while we talk about absolutely nothing..
We laugh at everything, especially when it's not funny..
We wander around together at lunch everyday..

We haven't always been friends, but we'll always be sisters..

Camille: beautiful, stubborn, hilarious, dramatic, my best friend since the womb;

Stephanie: beautiful, trusting & trustworthy, hilarious, boy crazy;

 inseparable [in-sep-er-uh-buhl]: incapable of being separated, parted, or disjoined..  
life's a tea party

day six: a day in the life..

My typical day consists of waking up in the morning, which isn't always easy..
Taking a five minute shower which always ends up being ten..
Standing in front of my closet, shivering in my towel, debating on which jeans and cardigan I'm going to wear that day..
Finding a pair of socks that don't have holes in them..
Scarfing down my breakfast (if I have any time)..
Heading to school with Kristen while listening to either the Book of Mormon or showtunes..
Trying so hard not to fall asleep in Health or Math (depending on the day)..
Getting to the bus by promptly 2:19 to get a seat in the front..
Walking to my house to find a snack..
Watching Gilmore Girls on ABCfamily and falling asleep on the couch..
Waking up between five and six to eat dinner..
Completing any homework I may have that night..
Wasting away the rest of my night on the computer..
Reading until eleven o'clock or later..
Sleep.. Repeat..

life's a tea party

Friday, April 1, 2011

day five: love

Love is when your days run smooth enough to handle..
When you couldn't care less what your outfit looks like..
When you do your hair and makeup in a total of 4 minutes..
When it's 62 degrees of heaven outside..
When you sit on a blanket under the sun watching a soccer game with your best friends..
When you're sitting in a dark theater and watching a hilarious musical with your best friend..
When your dad brings up a pee-your-pants memory and you cannot help but crack up..
When you can put your pjs on, kick back, and watch TV in the comfort of your own home..
I felt this love today..

life's a tea party