
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a little bit of catching up..

so I haven't written in a while, but here's some things that have happened to me and the people around me since I last wrote:

It is almost summer.. only eleven more days..
I had a job interview at Boondocks that went very well..
I saw Water for Elephants and it was fantastic..
I got my first snow cone of the year..
I watched my favorite movies..
I stressed and stressed and stressed over homework overload..
I went to the last boys soccer game of the season after getting a snow cone with Sarah..
I heard first-hand that one of my best friends got her first, second, third, etc. kiss..
My best friends and I drove around on the weekends and got ice cream and blasted The Lazy Song on the radio every time it came on..
I got the job at Boondocks as a server and I'm overjoyed about it..
I turned in my six page research paper on identity theft for English today..thank goodness that's over..
I'm turning sixteen tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited..
I've missed blogging..

life's a tea party

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